Emma 24th August 2017

As a way to say thank you for the almost sixteen years you were in my life Mark; I thought I'd write this poem in your honour. Sixteen years, relived through these tears. Memories told to those who will lend an ear... It's not the same as you being here. A second Father figure in my life, alongside your loving wife. Supporting my writing; taking performances in your stride. I couldn't have asked for a better time. You knew I was a fangirl before I knew what the word meant. High School Musical; Pokémon; Crash Bandicoot: Spyro too. Adding more to the fandoms, we grew up too soon. Denying the fandoms are the memories that stick with me best. I'm going to miss you Mark. I'll look out for the airplanes in the dark: and remember when you convinced us it was a shooting star. You're free from health problems and drink mistakes you made. Though you leave behind five wonderful children, I hope you're in a better place.